Identifying Rare Genetic Disorders

The genetics section of Knight Diagnostic Laboratories has a longstanding history at OHSU, in the center of excellence for Rare Genetic Disorders.  Established in 1962, the biochemical genetics laboratory was the cornerstone for Rare Genetic Disease diagnostics, followed in 1965 by the cytogenetics laboratory created to provide complete chromosome analysis for genetic disorders.   As molecular technologies developed, FISH and molecular genetics laboratories were added, helping to position OHSU as a center of excellence in Fanconi anemias and neurological disorders.  The genetics laboratories strive to implement new technologies and validate tests which serve the diagnostic needs of genetic counselors, geneticists, and other physicians.  Our team of board-certified geneticists are always available for consultation.


The Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University is a pioneer in the field of precision cancer medicine. The institute's director, Brian Druker, M.D., helped prove it was possible to shut down just the cells that enable cancer to grow. This breakthrough has made once-fatal forms of the disease manageable and transformed how cancer is treated. The OHSU Knight Cancer Institute is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center between Sacramento and Seattle – an honor earned only by the nation's top cancer centers. It is headquarters for one of the National Cancer Institute's largest research collaboratives, SWOG, in addition to offering the latest treatments and technologies as well as hundreds of research studies and clinical trials.

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